Tuesday, September 6, 2011

and finds a like-minded soul.

I was reading the editor's letter in the August issue of Lucky, and it was one of those moments where the sky should part, a glorious sun should shine through and hundreds of doves should fly out. The editor, Brandon Holley, put into words what I have been telling myself for basically my whole shopping career. And by telling myself, I mean justifying pretty much every purchase I've ever made. It's just three simple words...


One little formula, price / how many times you wear something, that could change the way you shop forever. I'm looking at my closet with pride right now, thinking that at this point, some of my clothes should probably be paying me (I'm looking at you, J.Crew turquoise pumps, and you, JBrand jeggings). Of course those are the ones that pop into my mind first, but there are plenty of things hanging out in there that have cost per wear's I'd be embarrassed to calculate. I'll go ahead and give myself an A for effort though.

I'm still working my way through the five lost & forgotten items, intent on reducing their cost per wear! Hope everyone had a great long weekend!

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